Rohini Padma
Government Degree College, Jammikunta, India
Title: Diclofenac induced biochemical alterations in certain tissues of Channa punctatus
Biography: Rohini Padma
The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in aquatic environment is of a serious concern all over the world in recent times. Diclofenac is a widely prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has been frequently detected in surface waters in the range of ng/l to μg/l. There are evidences of its negative impact in aquatic organisms like phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. The present study aims to investigate the biochemical alterations in fresh water fish, Channa punctatus on exposure to Diclofenac. The fish were exposed for 96 hours to three different concentrations 5 ppm, 25 ppm and 50 ppm of Diclofenac. The effect was observed in vital tissues like brain, gill, muscle, liver and kidney with respect to control fish. Proteins were estimated by Lowry et al. method, carbohydrates by Anthrone method and phospholipids by Zilversmidth and Davis method. Succinate dehydrogenase enzyme activity was quantitated by Nachlas et al. method. There was reduction in the level of proteins, carbohydrates and phospholipids and SDH enzyme activity in all tissues at all the set concentrations of Diclofenac. There was maximum depletion of proteins in the liver (73.9%) at 50 ppm and minimum in brain (6.87%) at 5 ppm when compared to control. The maximum depletion of carbohydrates occurred in liver (64.55%) at 50 ppm and minimum in kidney (7.42%) at 5 ppm. The high decline of phospholipids was in liver (64.55%) at 50 ppm and minimum in gill (3.42%) at 5 ppm. The maximal SDH enzyme inhibition was in liver (72.72%) at 50 ppm and minimum in muscle (18.18%) at 5 ppm against control. The alterations in all biochemical parameters were significant and dose dependent. The reduction in all parameters may be due to toxic stress created by Diclofenac. This analysis suggests that proteins, carbohydrates, phospholipids and SDH enzyme can be employed as efficient biomarkers in toxic studies. It also signifies that pharmaceutical residues alter the biochemical composition of non-target organisms like fish.