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About the Conference

We welcome all the dynamic scholars and from all around globe to join us at “21st International Conference on Toxicology and Pharmacology ” which will be held during December 05-06, 2022 as Webinar.

Our Scientific Event especially focuses on the theme “Toxicity and Assessment of Chemical mixtures”. Conference main focus is to bring together leading academicians, scientists, and research scholars to share their experiences and seek knowledge on all aspects of Toxicology and Pharmacology. Toxicology Submit 2022 also offers a leading interdisciplinary forum for Scholars, researchers, practitioners, and Students to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges recognised and solutions adopted in the fields of Pharma and Toxicology Conference.

We invite you to collaborate us at the Toxicology Summit 2022 where you will be sure to have an eloquent experience with scholars. Conference program including complete lectures, symposia, workshops on numerous topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all overtheworld

Why to Attend

The Conference will truly reflect the current trends, new strategies, recent advances, new approaches and future trends in Toxicology, and Pharmacology. The Summit will cover among others: Mechanisms and modes of action of various toxins, and Pharmaceuticals, Clinical and Forensic toxicology, Omics technologies, Emerging in vitro models, strategies in Toxicology and Pharmacology, Forensic Toxicology, Pharmacovigilance, Human toxicology, Chemical Toxicology and last but not least, a broad scope of toxicology and pharmacology in different fields.

Thus, our motive is, to generate platforms which will gather eminent scientists who will undoubtedly enrich our meeting during the Q&A sections.

  • Best stage to flourish new association and coordinated efforts.
  • Best area to accelerate your course into each domain in the World.
  • 89% our meeting participants are the Key contact in their labs buying choices.
  • Our exhibitor corners were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the participants during the gathering.
  • Past exhibitor's input uncovers abundant of enquiries saw from the meeting participants.
  • Organization advancement with both Academia and Business.

Target Audience:

  • Academicians including Professors.
  • PhD Scholars
  • Students carrying out laboratory and field studies
  • Pharmaceutical Industrial Giants
  • Toxicology Societies and the people Associated
  • Noble laureates in Health Care and Medicine
  • Pharmacists
  • Toxicology Professionals
  • Pathology Professionals
  • Forensic Professionals
  • Clinical Laboratories and Technicians
  • Bio-informatics Professionals
  • Software development companies
  • Research Institutes and members
  • Training Institutes
  • Business Entrepreneurs


Universities Related to Toxicology and Pharmacology:







Companies Related to Toxicology:

Companies Related to Pharmacology:

Associations and Societies Related to Pharmacology:



United Kingdom:



Associations and Societies Related to Toxicology:


Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Toxicology

Toxicology deals with living structures regarding the associations of chemicals. It is in addition the examination of the various business undertakings and regulatory workplaces which are incorporated with in and control of sustenance added substances to those included with the use and improvement of hazardous chemicals. Toxicology is fundamentally stressed with the Identification of malignant administrators and for the clearing of the toxins which has its impact on human life;. General Toxicology explains about pharmaceutics, creation; agrochemical and customer thing management Toxicology is the key field of science which gives us the information about disastrous substances and degrading which can achieve distinctive sicknesses in people

Track 2: Pharmacology

Pharmacology is the study of examining of medicine movement on the characteristic structures. It exactly explains the information of the bases, substance resources, normal effects and medicinal businesses of prescriptions. It is a science which is key to seriousness and besides to various fields like medication store, nursing, dentistry and veterinary solution. Toxicology has been illustrated as the examination of the adverse effects of the xenobiotic which is a acquiring science that created from the outdated poisoners. Front line Toxicology goes past the argumentative effects to the examination of sub- atomic science

Track 3: Chemical Toxicity

The aim of chemical toxicity testing and toxicological research is to study potential adverse health effects where unintentional exposure can be caused unintentionally to chemicals, especially environmental pollutants. The ability of a substance which is toxic is to cause harmful effects. These effects may cause cause organ system or entire body to strike into single or double cells.

Track 4: Food Toxicology

Food toxicology studies how natural or synthetic poisons and toxicants in diverse food products cause harmful, detrimental, or adverse side effects in living organisms. Food toxicology is an important consideration as food supply chain is becoming more multinational in origin and any contamination or toxic manifestation may cause serious, wide-spread adverse health effects.

Track 5: Industrial safety

Industrial safety takes place long before the work begins. In fact, it should be part of the job planning and site design. Although every workplace and job task carries some safety hazards, industrial hazards are often higher risk and have the potential to cause severe injury, extensive property damage, or devastating environmental harm.

Track 6: Forensic Toxicology

In Forensic toxicology a toxicologist is bothered with the dead human, taking a gander at the purpose behind death, using the same method as the clinical toxicologist. The scientific toxicologist are also known as a medico legal analyst. Toxicology focuses on the substance regarding the therapeutic and legal parts of presentation and harmful damage. If one focuses merely on arsenic, the change of bio-symptomatic criminological toxicology is adequately clear. Diagnostic techniques that offer the huge changes in the cautiousness and flexibility were the destiny of approachable and simplistic the availability to the criminological toxicologist.

Track 7: Clinical Toxicology

Clinical toxicology is process with the various forms of toxic chemicals which correlate with the various forms of diseases. It generally coincides with various sciences like as biochemistry, pharmacology and pathology. It deals with the hostile effects of agents such as chemical, drugs etc. Clinical Toxicology is also called as hostile effects of the chemicals or toxic substance .Generally, toxicology is modified in three categories Descriptive toxicology Mechanistic toxicology Regulatory toxicology.

Track 8: Health Toxicology

Health Toxicology integrate the presentation of living beings to toxicants, and survey of the sub-nuclear systems that are compacted by these exposures with another uneasiness prologue to metals. It inspect isotopic course of action of destructive administrators, presentation ways and chronic results for key nuclear and cell instruments. Fortune risk evaluators apply intensive data examination, quantitative presentation evaluation, toxicological aptitude, and judgment abilities of existing regulatory heading which are most trying issues within the structure

Track 9: Environmental Toxicology

Environmental Toxicology studies about the destructive effects of various creation, natural and physical authorities on the living creatures. The hazardous effects of the compound administrators pesticides and excrements which can influence an animal and its gathering join various toxic substances from toxins,. It is like manner fuse how the chemicals go through situations and how they are absorbed and metabolized by plants and animals, the instruments by which they cause disorder, result in innate surrenders, or toxin life shapes

Track 10: Drug Toxicology

Maximal of the potential medicines would exhibit a hardly any toxicants like skin rashes, squeamishness in heterogeneous human masses, nearly by animal studies in a homogenous social event. Everything that is done in toxicology has controlled by in vivo tests, safety pharmacology, outcomes the noteworthy organ structures like the cardiovascular and genetic hurtfulness test considers which study the progression of novel pharmaceuticals, requires non clinical security thinks about executing on confident drugs.

Track 11: Toxicological Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment is diminish the perils which are happening in the labs or work environments which depend upon to keep people from risks who are in working spots besides. These set out the fundamentals for security reason that what we should do and not do within a lab. These are to estimate the harmful quality of the individual mixture components of the definition which are used to the particular. Toxicology data estimates particular chemicals that threat of presentation.

Track 12: Toxicity Testing

Toxicity can be formulated by two components like biochemical and physical components. The purpose can be found within the earth behind lethality rising really. It may be the care or synergistic effect that makes these components surpass the strength of the test living creatures. Harmful reaction, particularly told when joined by erratic or changed data the determination of measurement levels for sub interminable studies should be established on the outcomes of exceptional toxic quality testing, on span finding looks at, and on pharmacokinetic data. The most amazing dose levels for these studies should be at most prominent persevered through estimations as chose in the reasonable test species and from pharmacokinetic information on the material being attempted.


Track 13: Toxicological Pharmacovigilance

Pharmacovigilance is the basic part of the investigation work. Both in the clinical trials security and post advancing this pharmacovigilance is basic all through the thing lifecycle. Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the identifying with the avoidance of adverse reactions to medicates or some other medicine related issues.

Track 14: Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology

Pharmacy is the science and drug storing system of arranging and allocating drugs. compounding and apportioning drugs, Drug specialists, are the most routine parts in scope of drug hence, are the pros on medicating treatment and are the basic well-being specialists who optimize the patients for utilizing the advantage of pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical Innovation is the sway of drug store that allot with the method of turning a Dynamic Pharmaceutical Fixing into a medicine to be utilized by patients. It elaborates designs, strategies, instrumented within the arrangement, fabricating, compounding, bundling, apportioning, amassing of opiate and other preparations used for the treatment of determination and symptomatic e strategies within the Hospital Pharmacy


Track 15: Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceutical

Nutraceutical is a term obtained from nutrition and pharmaceutics. The term is applied to products that are isolated from herbal products, nutrients, specific diets, and processed foods such as cereals, soups, and beverages that other than nutrition are also used as medicine. Nutraceuticals, in contrast to pharmaceuticals, are substances, which usually have not patent protection. Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical compounds can be used to treated or prohibited diseases, but only pharmaceutical compounds have governmental sanction.

Track 16: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics

Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion A fundamental concept in pharmacokinetics is drug clearance, that is, elimination of drugs from the body, analogous to the concept of creatinine clearance. Pharmacodynamics studies about a drug's molecular, biochemical, and physiologic results and acts. All drugs at the molecular level produce their effects by interacting with biological structures or targets to induce a change in how the target molecule functions with respect to following intermolecular interactions

  • Pharmacokinetic aspects
  • Drug biotransformation reactions
  • Drug interactions and pharmacological compatibilities
  • Clinical efficacy and safety evaluation
  • Receptor theory for drug effects

Track 17: Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology

The branch of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology explains about the processes, understanding both drug actions and unpleasant reactions, to intervention and improving the benefit–risk ratio of current and new drugs due to developing novel therapeutic strategies .Bases on the Institute of Translational Medicine, whose aim is to take basic scientific understanding for the benefit of patients, the public and health systems across the world it also translate it into innovations

Track 18: Immunopharmacology

Immunopharmacology that studies about the drugs acting on the immune system and pharmacological actions of substances obtained from the immune system. preclinical and clinical study on the regulatory effects of various agents on immunocompetent cells. Hence, a broad range of pathologies like immediate and severe infections, allergy, autoimmunity, cancer, degenerative disorders, inflammation, and primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

Track 19: In-Vitro Toxicology

In vitro toxicity testing in cultured bacteria or mammalian cells is the scientific analysis of the effects of toxic chemical substances. In vitro testing methods identifies primarily potential hazardous chemicals in the early stages of the development of potentially. It for xenobiotic toxicity are recently carefully considered by key government agencies to better evaluating the human risks. There are substantial activities in using in vitro systems use of human cells and tissue to define human-specific toxic effects to advance mechanistic understanding of toxicant activities.

Track 20 : Toxinology

Toxinology is the specialized area of science that deals specifically with animal, plant, and microbial toxins. Toxinology has been defined as "the scientific discipline dealing with microbial, plant and animal venoms, poisons and toxins”. Toxinology includes more than just the chemistry and mode of action of a toxin. It deals also with the biology of venom- or poison-producing organism, the structure and function of the venom apparatus, as well as the use of the venom or poison, the ecological role of these compounds". Toxinology has also been defined as "the science of toxic substances produced by or accumulated in living organisms, their properties, and their biological significance for the organisms involved".

Track 21: Recent Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology

The pharmaceutical and Toxicological industry is directly impacted by the research conducted with prescription drugs, vaccines, and OTC drugs being manufactured based on findings from the study of life sciences. Clinical trials are conducted to ensure that products being developed are tested on how well they work on individuals affected by the diseases or conditions they are created to treat.

Track 22: Regulatory Toxicology

Regulatory toxicology is a field that develops, assembles models, assesses, and communicates information about health hazards and risk associated with exposure to agents (e.g., chemicals, radiation) that have the potential to harm human health and ecosystems. Regulatory toxicologists play a critical role in health and environmental safety by providing science-based advice to inform regulatory decision-making concerning the health hazards and risks involved with the use, production, and disposal of such agents as pesticides, drugs, cosmetics, foods, and household goods.


Market Analysis

Toxicology Services Global Market - Forecast to 2028 :

According to analysis, the global toxicology services market is expected to grow at a mid-single-digit CAGR from 2021 to 2028, to reach $17.04 billion by 2028.

The factors such as mandatory toxicology testing requirement for various industries like pharma, medical device, cosmetic, chemical and food for their product approvals or registration, increased trend of outsourcing, increase in pharma R&D expenditure are driving the toxicology services market. Whereas, the emergence of advanced technology likes 3D-model, ex-vivo, organ-on-a chip and in-silico tool, increasing in utilization of nano-materials and regulatory changes to enhance safety profiles of agents will provide immense growth opportunities for toxicology services market in future. However, increasing focus towards drug repurposing, lack of skilled personnel, high cost and long duration of the tests and stringent government regulations towards the animal studies are expected to hamper the market growth.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 05-06, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Clinical Toxicology

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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